Monday 12 August 2013

You are a dirty little fun-haver.

- Failure to Launch (2006)

Two's company.

It’s like a predetermined fate that we’re supposed to couple up one day – it’s just expected, of others and I suppose of ourselves a little bit too.

As I write this I’m sitting in one of my favourite Dundee eateries and frankly, feeling a bit like Carrie Bradshaw (without the Manolo's). I came in for something to eat and a coffee, and the waitress looked at me as if I’d just shot her brand new puppy when I said table for one.

As it happens I got quite a nice table, with a window and everything. Swish.

I’m actually having something to eat alone, before I go to the cinema, alone. I like being able to do things at my own pace, and go wherever I want to go.

Off the back of that, I’ve booked to go backpacking around South East Asia for a few months – alone. (mumma really had issues with this one, probably should have gave her a heads up before I booked it.)

I leave next month and could not be more excited (and a little bit terrified) – that is, if they let me in. I look like a crazed axe wielding murderer in my visa photo – I was late, it was raining, the whole experience was a bloody disaster.

I’m hoping to line up some guest posts from some really excellent bloggers to keep you entertained while I’m away, as I have a feeling the internet access might be somewhat restricted.

‘I always say, one’s company, two’s a crown and three’s a party’ – Andy Warhol


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